The Smith Street Band - Sunshine and Technology

So I did not get the thing about The Smith Street Band at first. Something felt too different. It is not as fast as Nofx, it is not catchy as Bad Religion.

Still confused, I had to give their latest album 'More Scared of You than You Are of Me' another shot, then it hits me.
Ok, true these guys are great! I agree with millions of other (Australians) people.

The Smith Street Band are the new punk rock/pop genre.
Their sound is unique. Their singer sings in the most emotionally way I have ever heard.
Listening to the band songs makes you wanna scream every single word out loud with the singer, just like he does in the band's songs with their deep lyrics. The songs on 'Sunshine and Technology' are deep, and it will touch you if you would listen carefully.

I find Sunshine and Technology their best record so far as it a bit dirtier and aggressive than their latest 'More Scared of You than You Are of Me'.
Its very real, emotional, sensitive, but still punch you right in the face.


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